Everything we have done since 2008.

PAS #93 | "In every empty bottle is a story"
In cooperation with Jing Pang, FURNANCE Performance Art Lab, Hong Kong
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public presentation venue: FURNANCE Performance Art Lab
Participants: Chan Mei Tung, Chill Pan, Janice Lee, Mile Elim, Pos Dan, Ravel Wong Ka Wai, Sze Ching Yu, Reggie Yip, Tsang Tak Ping, Tavin T
PAS #92 | "I don't know"
In cooperation with POPOP Art, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public presentation venue: POPOP Art
Participants: Henny Dörr, Judith Reijnders, Lío Spinnewijn, Roman Nieuweboer, Ziyi Xuan, Ondine Williams, Mirte van den Bos, Luck Koning, Petra de Vries, Joos van der Zanden, Jules van Hulst, Emma Laugs
PAS #91 | "Absurdity"
In cooperation with Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin, Germany
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public presentation venue: Salon am Moritzplatz
Participants: Agata Babiarska, Chiara Marini Ferretti, Imke Zeinstra, Zsofia Börcsök, Marie-Luise Lange, Robin Valster, Ariel Vilner
PAS #89 | "In between the lines 16"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, Performance Art Seminar in Rehlovice, Czechia
Teachers: Antje Dudek, BBB Johannes Deimling and Shahar Marcus
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: 7 students of the TU-Dresden and 3 students from the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv
In cooperation with zeitraumexit, Mannheim, Germany
Invited by Johanna Baumgärtel
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public Presentation: in different public spaces in Mannheim
Participants: Alain Antoine Turgeon,
Jacqueline van de Geer, Jan.e Sikon, Vivian Schöchlin, Krishna Helmle
PAS | "INPUT #11"
In cooperation with ALP – Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management, Dillingen, Germany
Invited by Ingund Schwarz
A performance art workshop designed for teachers working at culture schools.
Research topic: “Performance & Image”, methods and didactic.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: 14 art teachers and theatre pedagogues
PAS YOUTH | "Colorblind"
In collaboration with the Jugendkunstschule, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
A 4-day performance art workshop with teenagers from Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Germany. The performance was presented as part of the “Talent Campus 2024”.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #87 | "There is not one of doing performance art, but many"
In cooperation with PH – Pädagogische Hochschule, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Invited by Stanislaus Müller-Härlin
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public Presentation: PH – Pädagogische Hochschule
Participants: 12 students of the PH – Pädagogische Hochschule
PAS | "INPUT #10"
In cooperation with ALP – Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management, Dillingen, Germany
Invited by Ingund Schwarz
A performance art workshop designed for teachers working at culture schools.
Research topic: “Body, Space & Light”, methods and didactic.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: 11 art teachers and theatre pedagogues
PAS | Online Class #31
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Research topic: “Social Acupuncture”, a class inspired by FLUXUS scores.
Participants: Aranzazu Fernandez, Kamilla Kessler, Tine Wille, Rita Carmo, Anahita Shamsinia, Julie Kim, Evgenia Tarantynova.
PAS | Online Class #30
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Research topic: “Action Sonor”, sound in performance art and video making.
Participants: Maija Liepins, Pooja Bahri, Mehrdad Ansari.
PAS | "INPUT #9"
In cooperation with ALP – Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management, Dillingen, Germany
Invited by Ingund Schwarz
A 2-day performance art workshop designed for teachers working at different schools.
Research topic: “Body & Space”, methods and didactic.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: 26 art teachers and theatre pedagogues
PAS | Online Class #29
In cooperation with Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv, Israel
Invited by Shahar Marcus
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Zohar Elbaz, Daniella Engler, Sharon Bergman, Tali Gvily, Debora Gershon, Ariel Vilner, Bar Levi, Naama Chetrit, Moran Shimanovsky, Yael Shiryan
PAS #86 | "Absurdity - the hole in rationality"
In cooperation with POPOP Art, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Invited by: POPOP Art (Danielle Brans, Joos van der Zanden, Elky Rosa Gerritsen, Els Jacob)
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Research: Lisa-Marie Porst
Public Presentation: Performance Night at Papengas 6
Participants: Mila von Chobiak, Yvette Teeuven, Hannah van der Schaaf, Roland Farkas, Jan/Jane Sikon, August Geerlings, Mylan Hoezen, Natalie Miredia, Els Jacob, Danielle Brans, Elky Rosa Gerritsen
PAS #85 | "Fragment"
In cooperation with Esbjerg Kulturskole and TvaerGK, Esbjerg, Denmark
Invited by Marie-Louise Exner
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Public Presentation venue: Esbjerg Kulturskole
Participants: Amelia Skelmose Fischer Ellingsgaard, Andreas Bech, Julie Heide Jørgensen, Lukas Lindskov Pedersen, Lina Vibeke Olsen, Verona Firkic-Akrap, Katrine Femhøj Glaser, Asger Lyck Vends
PAS #84 | "City Symphony"
In cooperation with Stre!fen Performance Art Görlitz, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and guest teacher Marta Urbańska
Public presentation venue: in the public space of the two border cities Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)
Participants: August Geerlings, Agnieszka Berger, Helen Barnick, Ju Drapejkowskx, Anna Mathilde Lieberwirth
PAS #83 | "In between the lines 15"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czechia
Invited by Christin Lübke
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling and Antje Dudek
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: 10 students of the TU-Dresden
PAS YOUTH | "Colorblind"
A 4 days workshop with refugees from Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan at the Berufliches Schulzentrum Hechingen. Two “colorblind” presentations were shown as part of the ECHT JEZT Performance Festival in Reutlingen and Tübingen, Germany.
Invited by Andreas Hoffmann
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Screening of the video work “Chronometer”
“Chronometer” was produced with the participants of PAS #81 | “Poetry is the sister of performance art” in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland.
Performers: Adrianna Urbańska, Martyna Tomczak, Małgorzata Wrońska, Gaja Szonowska, Agata Babiarska, Piotr Piwowarski, Suavas Lewy, Gabriel Data, Julia Grygorczyk, Anastasiya Volkava, Ola Kozioł, BBB Johannes Deimling
Camera: Monika Deimling
Music: Suavas Lewy
Editing: BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS | "Image Hunt"
A 2 days workshop for students of the UDK – Berlin University of the Arts
Invited by Prof. Dr. Anna Stern
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #82 | "Intensified Dialog"
In collaboration with Galerie KUB, Leipzig, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Joe Starkloff, Jing Pang, Flor Scharf, Judith Heine, , Ola Kozioł, Myrthe Krepel, Vivian WONG Wing Lam, Frida Schramm, Judith Lange, Zsofia Börcsök
PAS #81 | "Poetry is the sister of performance art"
In collaboration with Strzemiński Art Academy in Łódź, Poland
Research focus: Poetry as a source for performance art practice
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Gaja Szonowska, Adrianna Urbańska, Martyna Tomczak, Małgorzata Wrońska, Agata Babiarska, Piotr Piwowarski, Suavas Lewy, Gabriel Data, Julia Grygorczyk, Anastasiya Volkova, Ola Kozioł
Funded by the European Commission
PAS | Online Class #27
Research focus: Stillness – or the calm before the storm
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Gladys Ng, Pernilla Eskilsson, Tine Wille, Agnieszka Berger, Annika Leese, Katja Raab
PAS | Online Class #26
Research focus: The moving image – the image I move – the image of movement
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Tomo Ingalls Noguchi, Kate Mamchur, Roland Farkas, Jose Lorente, Aviv Keshet, Sharon Tal, Lisa Epp, Farnoosh Nik
PAS #80 | “Course of action”
In cooperation with POPOP Art, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Invited by: POPOP Art (Danielle Brans, Joos van der Zanden, Elky Rosa Gerritsen, Els Jacob)
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public Presentation: Thiemeloods
Participants: Berendine Venemans, Georgios Flouris, Angie Richard, Gabriele Avanzinelli, Saskia Enderle, Yvette Teeuwen, Anne Smeets, Susanne W.L. Hille, Tine Wille, German Altamirano, Roland Farkas, Nga Yi Yeung, Danielle Brans, Elky Rosa Gerritsen
PAS | Input #8
A workshop on performance art and its didactics for art teachers.
In cooperation with BDK – association for art education in Rhineland-Palatinate, Koblenz, Germany
Invited by Annika Leese
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #79 | “In every empty bottle is a story”
In cooperation with Le Lieu – Centre en Art Actuel, Quebec, Canada
Led by Laurence Beaudoin Morin and BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: Le Lieu – Centre en Art Actuel
Participants: Laurence Gravel, Mai bach-ngoc Nguyen, Ézéchiël Nadeau, Kristel Tremblay, Danièle Darracq, Jordan Jack, Morgan Allan Ouellet, Mahélie Caschetto-Lamoureux.
PAS #78 | “Site Effect”
In cooperation with Stre!fen Performance Art Görlitz, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Public presentation venue: in the public space of the two border cities Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)
Participants: Chiara Leonardi, Merle Sommermeier, Saskia Enderle, Luka Kraemer, Klara Schulz, Franziska Mauermann, Katja Raab, Mila von Chobiak, Gudrun Franz
PAS #77 | “In between the lines 14”
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Christin Lübke
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: 11 students of the TU-Dresden
PAS | Online Class #25
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Jing Pang, Karolina Rupp, Katja Raab, Zhuyan Ye, Javier Ormeno, Katarina Mamchur
PAS | Online Class #24
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Elizabeth Tomos, Jing Pang, Mila von Chobiak, Gudrun Franz, Alys Scott-Hawkins, Jessica Parnell
PAS #76 | “Distorted Horizons”
In cooperation with KTO Teatr and the Faculty of Intermedia, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Poland
Invited by Arti Grabowski
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Old Market Square Kraków
Participants: Anna Wejchert, Samuel Mynarski, Anna Yena, Wojciech Siwik, Monika Bielas, Dominik Setlak, Julia Golińska, Kamila Stovrag, Marceli Gadalski, Aaron Steiner, Tom Presman
“Now Here - Nowhere”
A lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling on site-specific Performance Art practice with examples of the PAS | Studies “Site-Seeing”, “If I were in your place”, at the Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
The lecture was part of the Tadjrobeh Theatre Festival, Tehran, Iran
Invited by Neda Taslimian
PAS | Online Class #23
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Katja Raab, Ibalu Alba, Elizabeth Tomos, Tine Wille, Farbod Paryabzadegan, Agata Kowalczyk, Jing Pang, Gudrun Franz
PAS | Online Class #22
A workshop on image making within the intersection of performance art and photography.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Participants: Deborah Schär, Anne Basler-Meier, Eleonora Martin, Birgit Staffler, Céline Mettler
PAS | Online Class #21
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Sharon Tal, Yvette Teeuwen, Berendine Venemans, Martha Ruiz, Zsofia Börcsök, Annika Leese, Tine Wille
PAS Project | “Video Pop-Up”
Video Pop-up is a tool of artistic exchange that is based on a thematic proposition of an artist inviting other artists to share and exchange their interpretations on the chosen topic. Using the story function on Instagram as a platform, the participating artists are sharing publicly 15 sec. of artistic video material.
Proposed topics:
“Swap” by Celia van den Bogert, January
“Threshold” by Yule Burlefinger, February
“Stimulation” by Mohamad Asad, March
“Mythos” by Agata Kowalczyk, March
“Contact” by Elizabeth Tomos, April
“End” by Mila von Chobiak, May
“Encounter” by Jing Pang, June
“Body Memory” by Klara Schulz, June
“Balanced” by David Fernandez, June
“Metamorphosis” by Maede Asadollahi, July
With over 150 contributions by international artists.
PAS | Online Class #20
In cooperation with Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv, Israel
Invited by Shahar Marcus
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Nur Abu Ganem, Tal Godorov, Gabriela Weiss, Marah Wattad, Adan Haj-Yahia, Reut Adi, Yuval Oz, Shoval Kalushiner, Ziv Sternberg, Michal Shiloni, Arnon Tamir, Adiba Takrouri
PAS | Online Class #19
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Salla Hakkola, Yule Burlefinger, Arta Balina, Eva Hauptfleisch, Meja Kalnina, Agata Kowalczyk, Celia van den Bogert, Redina Quose
PAS #75 | “Course of action”
In cooperation with Esbjerg Kulturskole and TvaerGK, Esbjerg, Denmark
Invited by Marie-Louise Exner
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public Presentation venue: Esbjerg Kulturskole
Participants: Emil Nørgaard Andersen, Emilie Kjærgaard Laurtisen, Jane Gad Akrawi, Aviaja Maria Brixvold, Frederik Skovdam Sørensen, Marcus Agerschou Jensen, Espen Løbner Rosenberg, Maj Fink Petersen, Sara Marie Sandoy, Anna Nim, Emil Kjær Adibi
7 Years
Publication, 7 years PAO – Performance Art Oslo with a text contribution by BBB Johannes Deimling on the cooperation with PAS | Performance Art Studies.
Editors: Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
published by PAO – Performance Art Oslo
[ISBN: 978-82-303-5047-8]
PAS Project | “Video Pop-Up”
Video Pop-up is a tool of artistic exchange that is based on a thematic proposition of an artist inviting other artists to share and exchange their interpretations on the chosen topic. Using the story function on Instagram as a platform, the participating artists are sharing publicly 15 sec. of artistic video material.
Proposed topics:
“Vanishing point” by Farnoosh Nik, September
“Invisibility” by Annika Leese, October
“Falling” by Manuela Büchting, October
“Churning” by Camille Casemier, October
“Loneliness” by Meliss Stock, October
“The other” by Chols, November
“Tenderness” by Zsofia Börcsök, December
With over 110 contributions by international artists.
PAS #73 | “Site Seeing”
In cooperation with Stre!fen Performance Art Görlitz, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Public presentation venue: in the public space of the two border cities Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)
Participants: Camille Casemier, Emrah Gökdemir, Klara Schulz, Manuela Büchting, Melissa Stock, Nicole Dietz, Janne Steinhardt, Sebastian Hänel, Tine Wille, Annika Leese
PAS #74 | “For, Against and With the Camera”
In cooperation with study project DocuLab and the Haverford College, Philadelphia, US
Invited by Prof. John Muse
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Deimling
Participants: Khaula Malik, Lexie Iglesia, Liz Burke, Bilge Nur Yilmaz, Alice Hu, Sofia Mondragon, John Muse
PAS Youth | “Endless Beginnings”
In cooperation with Balfour Collegiate public high school, Dunlop Art Gallery and RPL Film Theatre
Regina Public Library, Regina, Canada
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Emily Promise Allison
Participants: pupils of the Balfour Collegiate public high school. Zoe James, Kai Patel, Thea Sheldon-Samuelson, Jayde Richter, Katja Herle, Ella Reichert, Keira Roots, Chan Dizon
PAS | Online Class #18
In cooperation with Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv, Israel
Invited by Shahar Marcus
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Sapir Aggani, Yael Adania, Johny Eyal, Muna Wached, Sahar Hag Yichia, Lior Katz, Alisa Levrov, Gili Levy, May Lightner, Lital Mundrer, Ela Maayan, Bareket Naveh, Adi Reshef
PAS | Online Class #17
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Valentina Ghelfi, Meja Kalnina, Tine Wille, Zsofia Börcsök, Lena Tochka Kushnir, Jacqueline Priegnitz
PAS | Online Class #16
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Tine Wille, Emrah Gökdemir, Annika Leese, Farnoosh Nik, Flavie Lemée, Martha Osornio Ruiz
PAS | Online Class #15
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Marcel Wulf, Franziska Hübner, Ines Borovac, Tine Wille, Luise Fluegge, Pascale Girardin, Andre Strobel, Joy Kincaid, Tomilola Olumide
PAS | Online Class #14
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Neda Taslimian, Rikke Gehrke Jensen, Sebastian Hänel, Tine Wille, Yvette Teeuven
PAS | Online Class #13
In cooperation with the University Hildesheim
Invited by Simon Niemann
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Laura Kallenbach, Ingrid Falk-Pedersen, Van-Lam Trinh, Nicole Collignon, Marie-Charlottte Simons, Helena Lurz, Helen Gorsuch, Lina Jung, Cecilia Uckert, Hanne König, Vannessa Lücke
PAS | Online Class #12
In cooperation with the University Köln
Invited by Prof. Julia Scher
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: students of different departments
PAS | Online Class #11
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Tine Wille, Senay Funk, Annika Leese, Surya Tuechler, Anca Krause, Yvette Teeuven, Emil Nørgaard Andersen, Laura Elly Toftgaard, Maj Færgemann
PAS Project | “Video Pop-Up”
Video Pop-up is a tool of artistic exchange that is based on a thematic proposition of an artist inviting other artists to share and exchange their interpretations on the chosen topic. Using the story function on Instagram as a platform, the participating artists are sharing publicly 15 sec. of artistic video material.
Proposed topics:
“Immobility” by Laurence Beaudoin Morin, January
“Range” by Franzisca Hübner, February
“Inefficiency” by Gabrielle Poulin, March
“Levitating” by Luise Flügge, April
“Borders” by Stefan Olschewski, April
“Food” by BBB Johannes Deimling, May
“Circular” by Yvette Teeuwen, May
“Stimming” by Richard James Hall, June
“Disappearing” by Laurence Beaudoin Morin, June
“Innermost / Outermost” by Emrah Gökdemir, July
With over 150 contributions by international artists.
PAS | Online Class #10
In cooperation with Stellwerk, Weimar, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: David Penndorf, Claudia Leutemann, Jacqueline Priegnitz, Julie Tiepermann, Victoria Sobbe, Anca Krause
PAS #72 | “What is important?”
In cooperation with Esbjerg Kulturskole and TvaerGK, Esbjerg, Denmark
Invited by Marie-Louise Exner
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public Presentation venue: Gallery Josephine
Participants: 9 students of the TvaerGK department
PAS | Online Class #9
Topic: Poetry & Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Eloisa Alquati, Neda Taslimian, Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Ülkü Çağlayan
PAS | Online Class #8
Topic: Site-specific Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Daniela Golbert, Paula Pabel, Franziska Hübner, Laurence Beaudoin Morin
PAS #71 | “Which site is the right site?”
In cooperation with Stre!fen Performance Art Görlitz, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Stefanie Trojan
Public presentation venue: in the public space of the two border cities Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)
Participants: Frida Schramm, Jan Treiber, Astrid Völker, Sarah Schröter, Jolanda Jansen, Sebastian Hänel
PAS #70 | “In between the lines 13”
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-Luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: 11 students of the TU-Dresden
PAS | Online Class #7
Topic: Site-specific Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Neda Taslimian, Annikken Olsen Skjæran, Gianmaria de Lisio, Diana Lopez
PAS | Online Class #6
Topic: Poetry & Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Franziska Hübner, Raikhline Lilia, Simon Niemann, Annikken Olsen Skjæran, Tine Wille
PAS | Online Class #5
Topic: Site-specific Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling and Laurence Beaudoin Morin
Participants: Andriy Helytovych, Ülkü Çağlayan, Yvette Teeuwen, Pascale Girardin
PAS | Online Class #4
Topic: Site-specific Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Sibylle Beck, Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Malvina Lorida, Amin Abu Zahra, Burim Tafilica, Dimitra Nikolopoulou, Zandee KM
PAS | Online Class #3
Topic: Poetry & Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Nerisa del Carmen Guevara, Ida Sophia Cassar, Dimitra Nikolopoulou, Sara Ferhati, Blendi Shahu, Chanu Kim
PAS | Online Class #2
Topic: Poetry & Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Sibylle Beck, Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Malvina Lorida, Mark Sequeira, Burim Tafilica, Amin Abu Zahra
PAS | Online Class #1
Topic: Poetry & Performance Art
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Olga Skliarska, Andriy Helytovych, Bogdan Yanchuk-Zyxer, Kateryna Mamchur, Iryna Kupchynska
Publication with text contribution by BBB Johannes Deimling on PAS | Performance Art Studies pedagogy.
Published by Marie-Luise Lange
184 pages, published by Fabricio Verlag
[ISBN-13: 9783946320203]
PAS #69 | "It's not the action that makes the performance"
In cooperation with Dialeg Obert and TEM – Teatre el Musical, Valencia
Invited by Lorena Izquierdo and Mario Montoya
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: TEM – Teatre el Musical, Valencia
Participants: Lorena Izquierdo, Raúl Ragel, Almudena Millán, Irene Santiago, Gabriela del Valle, Julian Hackenberg, Mario Montoya, Jesús Domínguez, Kira Pérez, Héctor Navarro, Claudia Pascual
PAS #68 | "Creaking wooden fish"
In cooperation with PAO – Performance Art Oslo and KHiO – Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Konrad Jusczinski
Public presentation venue: PAO Festival 2019
Participants: Q, Yendini Yoo Cappelen, Nina Claire Drew, Shuk Pui Yu, Oleksiy Zaitsev, Amanda Borg, Anneleen Steenbergen, Sigmund Skard, Antoine Parra del Pozo, Malvina Lorida, Emilie Celius, Anna Caroline Kristensen, Montserrat Llampallas
PAS #67 | "Course of action"
In cooperation with Minerva Art Academy, Groningen, Netherlands
Invited by Ingrid in der Maur
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: re:sponse – Performance Art Festival
Participants: Feije Duim, Roza Kootstra, Elin Hoyland, Berendine Venemans, Oleksiy Zaitsev, Hinke-Ann Eleveld, Michiel Teeuw, Lola Diaz Cantoni, Ingrid in der Maur
PAS | Input #7
In cooperation with YUP – Young Urban Performance Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #66 | "If I were in your place"
In cooperation with Karstica Espacio de Creacion, Cañada del Hoyo and Museo Neomudejar, Madrid, Spain
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Karstica Espacio de Creacion
Participants: John Muse, Brendamaris Rodriguez, Karolina Stryz, Berendine Venemans, Ana Reis, Lili Ullrich, Maria Herador, Debbie Reda
PAS #65 | "your perception may not be my reality"
In cooperation with SomoS Art House, Berlin, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: SomoS Art House
Participants: Viktória Heiser, Gabriele Avanzinelli, Luiza Martins Marques, Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Hannah Santana, Jana Smetanina, Manuela Covini, Marion Henry, Maja Maksimovic, Theresa Sowka, Tianxin Shi, Zoncy
PAS #64 | "between the lines 12"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-Luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: Culture Center Rehlovice
PAS Project | "Sculpture park"
In cooperation with the Carbonarium Performance Art Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine
Invited by Oleksiy Zaitsev
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public Presentation: Carbonarium Art Festival
Participants: Iryna Kupchynska, Roksolana Uhryniuk, Olga Skliarska, Bohdan Yanchuk, Kateryna Mamchur, Andriy Helytovych, Taras Pastushchuk
PAS #63 | "Course of action"
In cooperation with the CLOUD Festival and the University of Arts, Tirana, Albania
Invited by Edit Pula
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation as part of the CLOUD Festival
Participants: Burim Taflica, Heidrun Schmiedel, Blendi Shahu, Sara Ferhati, Sophie Fijal, Pegi Ngresi, Ester Harizi, Dhespina Cani, Elios Shuli, Sindi Mila, Eleonora Bezati, Artemis Beluli, Klevis Meti, Ergis Spahiu, Klea Ceca, Adela Doku
PAS #62 | "Course of action"
In cooperation with EKA – Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited by Prof. Jaan Toomik and Kirke Kangroo
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: EKA – Estonian academy of art
Participants: Nausicaa Pellei, Jaanika Arum, Salla Valle, Nina Lang, Marianne Siilbaum, Katrin Enni, Barbora Benková, Jose Aldemar Muñoz Ñustes, Karolin Poska, Olga Prokhorova, Sebastian Hänel, Ryan Galer, Alice Glagau
PAS Project | "Sculpture park"
In cooperation with P.S. – Performance Site, The Hague, Netherlands
Invited by Jolanda Jansen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #61 | "there is not one way of doing performance, but many"
In collaboration with HKU – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, Netherlands
Invited by: Henny Dörr
Led by: BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: HKU – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Participants: Iris Baartman, Luca Bötzel, Marije Bruinsma, Antonino De Caro, Temo Dou, Klaartje van Essen, Elaine Hakkaart, Ruben van der Horst, Boukje Kemper, Nora Korfker, Dali Philippo, Luna Rikken, Melissa Schipper, Sweder de Sitter, Miranda Vollenberg, Jorik Walter
PAS Youth | "Austausch - Wymiana"
In cooperation with Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego w Poznaniu, Poznan, Poland and the tjg – Theatreacademy, Dresden, Germany
conducted by Konrad Juściński and BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: tjg – Theatre Young Generation, Dresden, Germany
Participants: 14 teenagers of the Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego and tjg – Theatreacademy
PAS #60 | "Aging as an Action"
In cooperation with PAO – Performance Art Oslo and KHiO – Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest Teacher: Emily Promise Allison
Public presentation venue: PAO Festival 2018
Participants: Ingrid In der Maur, Yendini Yoo Cappelen, Hanne B. Nystrøm, Daniel Novick, Gabriela MB, Yağmur Taçar, Andrea van Gelder, Marion Horney, Alexandra Vasic, Sara Hermansson
In cooperation with Kulturskole in Esbjerg, Denmark
Invited by Marie Louise Exner
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Fanoe Island
Participants: students of the music department, acting department and the fine arts department
PAS #59 | "between the lines #11"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
"Körper & Leib"
In cooperation with the health and care department at the TU-Dresden.
Invited by Marie-Luise Junghahn
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: students of teaching at vocational schools specializing in health and care at the Technical University of Dresden.
In cooperation with YUP – Young Urban Performance Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
Led by Lisa Tostmann
PAS #58 | "my body asking your body questions"
In cooperation with PAO – Performance Art Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Weronika M. Lewandowska
Public presentation venue: PAO Festival 2017
Participants: AnkaFugazi Biernicka, Benedicte Sundkvist Beldam, Fanny Fermelin, Liza Kerstin Anna Trullsson, Marion Horney, Marte Dahl, Ole Petter Ribe, Paola Lesina
PAS Youth | "colorblind"
As part of the symposium ACT.MOVE.PERFORM. and in cooperation with tjg – Theatre Young Generation, Dresden, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Assitance: Ieva Savickaite, Nastasia Hendrikje Schlötke
Public prsentation venue: Albertinum – Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
Participants: 10 teenagers (Age: 15-16)
Symposium on Performance Art and Performativity in Art, Education and Research, Dresden, Germany
Organized by Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden and PAS | Performance Art Studies
Invited Artists: Kineret Haya Max, Arti Grabowski, Nezaket Ekici, Dorothea Rust, Wolfgang Sautermeister, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha, Stefanie Trojan
In cooperation with Orian Theatre and the Paris Summer Academy, Paris, France
Led by Francesco Kiais
Public prsentation venue: Orian Theatre
PAS #56 | "between the lines 10"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-Luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Annika Otto, Fernande Stein, Hannah Bartels, Hannah Drescher, Lena-Maria Fistarol, Luise Häßner, Marie-Luise Junghahn, Nadja Malcher, Paula Letalik, Paula Sophie Wedekind, Winona Damm
PAS Youth | "Blank Spaces"
In cooperation with P.S. – Performance Site, The Hague, Netherlands
Invited by Jolanda Jansen and Lisetteh Huijsmans
Led by Lisa Tostmann
PAS #55 | "DUEL"
In cooperation with P.S. – Performance Site, The Hague, Netherlands
Invited by Jolanda Jansen and Lisetteh Huijsmans
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: P.S. – This Is Live Festival
Participants: Philemon Mukarno, Carole Novak, Yuki Kobayashi, Katya Petetskaya, Danielle Brans, Gamze ÖztÜrk, Jan-Egil Finne, Graham Martin, Carol Montealegre, Andrea van Gelder, Aino Sirje, Giovanni Vetere, Lisanne van Brakel, Ieva Savickaitė
In cooperation with the KSG – Kurfürst Salentin Gymnasium, Andernach, Germany
Invited by Annika Leese
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: 56 pupils from different classes
Publication, text contribution on the PAS | youth programs.
Published by Burg Giebichenstein (Sara Burkhardt and Antje Dudek)
[ISBN 978-3-86019-126-2]
"Na granicy percepcji rosną wspaniałe kwiaty"
Performance art evening as part of PAS #54 at the occasion of the “Night of the Museum” (Noc Museow), Łódź, Poland
Curated by BBB Johannes Deimling
With: Weronika M. Lewandowska, Konrad Juściński, Vena Naskręcka, Łukasz Trusewicz
Introduction by Agnieszka Szablikowska – Trusewicz (Galeria Raczej)
Public presentation venue: Galeria Kobro,
PAS #54 | "Na granicy percepcji rosną wspaniałe kwiaty"
In collaboration with Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź, Poland
Invited by Ola Kozioł
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Galeria Kobro
Participants: Gabriela Porada, Bogna Juchnowicz, Izabela Magnuszewska, Iwetta Tomaszewska, Żaneta Górska, Ania Jeglorz, Ania Man, Ola Kacperska, Ruth Biene, Melissa Madero, Sofie Hollander
"There is no right or wrong"
Exhibition about PAS with photographs by Monika Deimling and Matthias Pick, videos, video documentations, THE WALL and remnants of performances.
Curated and selcted by BBB Johannes Deimling and Ola Kozioł
Exhibition design by Elizabet Damyanova
Exhibition venue: Galeria Kobro, Łódź, Poland
PAS Youth | "Licht.Macht.Farbe"
In cooperation with the State School, “Am Lindenkreis”, Buttelstedt, Germany Led by Matthias Pick
In collaboration with Musrara Multidisciplinary School of Art and Society, Jerusalem; Performance Art Platform, Tel Aviv; Kelim Choreography Center, Bat Yam; Hazira – Performance Art Arena, Jerusalem, Israel
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Kineret Haya Max
Participants: Ziv Gidron, Gili Inglis, Adva Weinstein, Julie Fox, Yaari Shalem, Motti Dori, Lisa Nickolaus, Lior Shatz, Moran Asraf, Joanna Jones, Aya Nitzan, Oz Dodel, Galia Pavlichenko, Uri Shafir, Tal Alperstein, Harel Max, Chaya Ruckin, Tal Michaelis, Netta Weiser, Natacha Rimer, Kai Rotschild, Nitzan James, Flora Deborah, Avishag Siboni, Yaniv Drey, Shira Bar, Yuli Zakai, Michal Krieger, Hadar Golan, Moti Olshtein, Avigail Zadik, Roni Levanon, Batel Dotan, Adi Kahana, Li Lorian, Galia Einey, Guy Biran, Shani Shabtai, Benjamin Yom Tov
"Notes on Performance Art"
A lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling about PAS | Performance Art Studies and the body in the arts at the Creative Center for Photography, Tuscon, USA
PAS #52 | "Zeitgeist"
In collaboration with HKU – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, Netherlands
Invited by Henny Dörr
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: HKU – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Participants: Hilco Froentjes, Aron Goossens, Maartje Heijden, Joram Heijmans, Anne Heintz, Coco Hennissen, Willemijn Hordijk, Rogier Hornman, Pepijn Keppel, Patsy Kroonenberg, Dolf Langelaar, Fleur Mennega, Cas Mulder, Jaël Schutte, Josine Slemmer, Emelie Swart, Robin Tinkhof, Merel Vorst, Aschra Woude
PAS #51 | "critical reflection II"
In the framework of the learning program of the VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK, Venice, Italy
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Maja Maksimovic, Aino Sirje, Joyce Schmiedel, Jolanda Jansen, Sabine Oosterlynck, Christin Lübke, Carolina Novella Centelas, Giovanni Vetere, Narges Mohammadi, Annegreet Bos, Ieva Savickaitė
PAS #50 | "Roots in motion"
In collaboration with PAO – Performance Art Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Vivian Chinasa Ezugha
Public presentation venue: PAO Festival 2016
Participants: Lovisa Adlersfeld, Elisabeth Samstad, Tia Yoon, Kevin Meehan, Vidmante Cerniauskaite, Kimberley Warder, Leonela Helm, Inger-Reidun Olsen, Alice Minervini, Joana Gelažytė, Aino Niemela, Bernadette Laimbauer, Larysa Bauge
Group exhibition, participation with process documents (photos, drawings and texts) of PAS #49 | “Neighbourhood”
Exhibition venue: Tranzit Art Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
PAS #49 | "Neighbourhood"
In cooperation with Nomadic Arts Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia
Invited by Mads Floor Andersen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: In public spaces within the Slavin quarter
Participants: Silja Kerstin Rebane, Aksel Norreen Hauklien, Martin Zepter, Guillaume Dufour Morin, Kristiane Nerdrum Bøgwald, Crisia Miroiu, Priya Mistry
PAS #48 | "between the lines 9"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Anna Sonnenberg, Lilly Magdalen Goebel, Isabel Apel, Lena Wachs, Leonore Hecht, Pauline Bonikowski, Josua Kühne, Charlotte Runck, Lisa Nickolaus
"Keep the process warm"
Exhibition participation with parts of PAS process publications (drawings and notes)
Curated by Marc Giloux
Exhibition venue: Résidence du Fort, Montauban, France
PAS #47 | "ICON"
In cooperation with Galerie Michaela Stock, Vienna, Austria
Invited by Veronika Merklein
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Veronika Merklein
Final presentation venue: Galerie Michaela Stock, DOPUS Performance Festival
Participants: Roberta Orlando, Michael Barrett, Felipe Osorio Guzmán, Amelie Schmidt, Carmen von Luckwald, Burcak Konukman, Žarko Aleksić, Elisa Arciniegas Pinilla
PAS #46 | ".doc"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: 14 third year NTA students
Notes on performance art
A lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling on PAS performances and projects.
Invited by Arti Grabowski
Faculty of Intermedia, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Poland
PAS | Input #4
In collaboration with FLAM – Forum for Live Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: FLAM – Forum for Live Art
PAS | Input #3
In collaboration with HKU – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Netherlands
Invited by Henny Dörr
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: HKU – Loods
Participants: 12 HKU students of the fine arts department
PAS | Input #2
In collaboration with STL – Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühendus, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited by Indrek Kornel
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Barbara Lehtna, Madlen Hirtentreu, Inga Vares, Kaia Köster, Minni Hein, Urmas Lüüs, Joanna Karoline Kalm, Grisli Soppe-Kahar, Triin Marts, Mari Viiard, Helina Karvak, Meeri-Ann Ostrov, Heinrich Sepp, Roland Laos, Linda Vaher, Jaak Sapas, Evi Pärn, Indrek Kornel
PAS #45 | "Human Factor 2"
In collaboration with Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited by Prof. Jaan Toomik
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: Estonian Academy of Arts
Participants: Terje Henk, Liisa Jugapuu, Mari-Leen Kiipli, Tiiu Lausmaa, Hanna-Liisa Lavonen, Triin Marts, Elizabeth Matkevitš, Meeri-Ann Ostrov, Irma Isabella Raabe, Grisli Soppe-Kahar, Pire Sova, Karl-Erik Talvet, Irmeli Terras, Ellen Vene, Kadi-Maarja Võsu, Margot Õunapuu
"It's something between us"
Exhibition curated by Matthias Pick with photographs of performances realized within PAS | Performance Art Studies, Exhibition venue: Gallery M18, Weimar, Germany
PAS #44 | "I know the smell, but I don't remember"
In collaboration with Galeria Raczej, Poznan, Poland
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Perfex
Participants: Luisa Franke, Antje Dudek, Annelie Möller, Lisa Tostmann, Josua Kühne, Kristina Pohlmann, Lena Schäfferling, Marie-Luise Lange, Isabel Aisfeld
PAS #43 | "Places of duration 2"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Dr. Karmenlara Ely and Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
Participants: Mari Pitkänen, Erik Roger, Moa J. Meinich, Armin Hokmi Kiasaraei, Karoline Clasen Holland, Rasmus Stenager Jensen, Kaja Maerk Egeberg, Durga Bishwokarma, Klara Krämer, Maria Wang Kvalheim, Felipe Osorio, Ragnhild Folling Volden, Partyk Wasilewski
PAS #42 | "Salt & Pepper"
In collaboration with PAO – Performance Art Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Franzisca Siegrist and Tanja Thorjussen
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest Teacher: Magnús Logi Kristinsson and Pietro Pellini
Public presentation venue: PAO Festival 2015
Participants: Lykourgos Porfyris, Kachun Lay, Anne Cecilie Caroline Brunborg Lie, Ruth Biene, Live Marianne Noven, Gabriela Gonçalves, Ronald Bal, Katarina Henriksen, Aksel Norreen Hauklien, Merel Stolker, Courtney Grant, Kristin Nango, Sara Schwienberger
PAS Youth | "Shift"
In cooperation with LiveArt.DK and CIS – Copenhagen International School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Invited by Ellen Friis and Henrik Verstergaard
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: ARKEN – Museum for Contemporary Art, as part of the festival “Live Art for Kids”
Participants: 16 pupils from CIS – Copenhagen International School
"Performative Kreativität"
Publication, PAS is mentioned as example for performance art education.
Published by Ines Seumel
Publisher: kopaed
[ISBN 978-3-86736-434-8]
"Second foil"
Performance event as part of PAS #41 | Between the lines 8
Public presentation venue: Hole of fame, Dresden, Germany
Performances: Josua Kühne, Joyce Schmiedel, Kristina Pohlemann, Jasmin Cee Abu, Lena Schäfferling, Antje Siekierka, Annelie Möller & Lisa Tostmann, Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #41 | "between the lines 8"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Participants: Sophia Kanis, Maria Meusel, Josua Kühne, Bianca Treis, Stella Pintaske, Joyce Schmiedel, Kristina Pohlemann, Jasmin Cee Abu, Lena Schäfferling, Antje Siekierka
PAS Youth | "Dein Körper als künstlerische Figur"
Invited by Gymnasium Stift Neuzelle, Neuzelle, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public Presentation venue: Kalefaktorium im Stift Neuzelle
Participants: Leonie Ederer, Marijke Tiddens, Kasia Sieniawska, Vera Klemt, Marc Wolff, Marlene Freitag, Arne Penack, Kim Luckmann, Anne Mueller, Julia Farnicka, Valeria Perelygina, Natalia Mikolajczyk, Kasia Polewska, Thomas Zimmer, Johannes Nehring
PAS | Input #1
PAS | Input is a series of 2-3 days performance art workshops.
In cooperation with Theater Tage Baden Württemberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #39 | "Creaking Wooden Fish"
In the framework of the Learning Program of the VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK
In cooperation with Live Arts Cultures
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Francesco Kiais, Marianna Andrigo, Aldo Aliprandi
Participants: Eva Beatrice Förster, James Needham-Walker, Antigone Theodorou, Weronika Lewandowska, Jasmin Luu, Roos Hoffmann, Alejandro Zertuche, Miriam King, Katrin Rux, Arnaud Chevalier, Brendamaris Rodriguez, Çiğdem y Mirol, Justyna Samborska, Sophie Terlega
PAS #38 | "places of duration"
In cooperation with epitelesis – Performance Art Foundation, Athens, Greece
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Andreas Pashias, Francesco Kiais
Public presentation venue: CheapArt Gallery
Participants: Veronika Merklein, Anna Kosarewska, Imke Zeinstra, Aron Lesnik, Angeliki Tsoli Chaido, Manuel Lopez Garcia, Markela Kontaratou, Ruth Biene, Eliza Soroga, Christos Papamichael, Ola Kozioł, Jolijn de Wolf, Sophie Terlega
PAS project | "soup, something and something else"
In cooperation with the NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy and Galleri TM51, Oslo, Norway
360 performative one-minute actions in a row
Public presentation venue: Galleri TM51
Participants: first year students of the NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
PAS #37 | "critical reflection"
Theoretical workshop in the framework of the learning program of the VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK, Venice, Italy
Teachers: BBB Johannes Deimling, Francesco Kiais, Marie-Luise Lange
Participants: Nina Willimann, Kirsten Heshusius, Eielex Keiowen, Anna Prus, Anna Kosarewska, Sabrina Kricheldorf, Annelie Möller, Lisa Tostmann, James Needham-Walker, Angeliki Tsoli Chaido, Filomena Krause, Ieva Savickaitė, Emma Zetterstrom, Carla Roca
PAS #36 | "between the lines 7"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, the University Cologne, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-Luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling, Konstanze Schütze
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Johannes Gallus, Florian Bölike, Sabrina Kricheldorf, Lisa Tostmann, Evelyn Gläser, Stefanie Böhnsch, Christoph Kugler, Annelie Möller, Alexandra Zettl, Franziska Pohl, Janina Klemm, Ieva Savickaitė, Johanna Baumgärtel, Filomena Krause, Yper Theatre
PAS Youth │ "So biss ich in die Zwiebel als wäre es vertraut #2"
Performance evening, curated by Matthias Pick at Stellwerk, Weimar, Germany
PAS Youth │ "Bild im Bild"
In cooperation with the State Art Gymnasium, Alzey, Germany
Invited by Fr. Ried and Sabine Weigel
Part of the project week
Participants: 10 pupils (Age: 14-17)
PAS #35 | "Resistance"
In cooperation with the CREATurE Live Art Festival and POST Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
Invited by Vaida Tamoševičiūtė
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Alexandra Zierle and Paul Carter
Public presentation venues: CREATurE Live Art Festival and POST Gallery
Participants: David Frankovich, Ieva Savickaitė, Jolanda Jansen, Vivian C. Ezugha
"Machen. Verstehen. Vermitteln. - Performance Art in schools"
5th Art Symposium, Meissen, Germany
In collaboration with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, the University Leipzig and PAS | Performance Art Studies
Invited artists: Arti Grabowski, Helge Meyer, Anna Stern, Heinrich Lüber, Malte Pfeiffer
PAS Youth | "Imagine"
In cooperation with TJG – Theater Junge Generation, Dresden, Germany
Workshop on performance art as part of the 5th Art Symposium “Machen. Verstehen. Vermitteln. – Performance Art in schools”
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: TJG – Theater Junge Generation
Participants: pupils of the Gymnasium Bürgerwiese, Dresden
"METAMUZEUM - transfer of experience"
Publication, with a text contribution by BBB Johannes Deimling on the educational practice and pedagogy of PAS | Performance Art Studies
Published by Artur Tajber, Faculty of Intermedia, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow and the National Science Center, Poland
[ISBN: 978-83-62321-14-8]
PAS #34 | "Alphabet 2"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Dr. Karmenlara Ely and Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
Participants: Johanna Dahlbäck, Elizabeth Damyanova, Mari Lassen Kamsvaag, Mulenga Mwansa, Desiree Isabel Bøgh Vaksdahl, Nikoline Josefine Spjelkavik, Tobias Shaw Petersen, Viola Tømte, Victoria F Schou Røising, Anders Tougaard, Kathrine E. Leth Nilsen, Jonas Løvstrøm Borgensgaard, Marina Popovic
PAS | Project "Cosmonaut 200"
In cooperation with PERFORM NOW! Festival, Winterthur, Switzerland
Invited by Tom Huber
PAS curated Vena Naskręcka and David Frankovich to perform at PERFORM NOW! Festival
PAS #33 | "square meters per hour"
In cooperation with ACTS – Laboratory for Performance Practices, Oslo, Norway
Invited by Fernanda Branco
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: ACTS – Laboratory for Performance Practices
Participants: Jussi Salminen, Marcela Antunes, Roberta Orlando, Núria Guix-Riba, Kristiane Nerdrum Bøgwald, Fernanda Branco, Inger-Reidun Olsen, Linda Granlund
PAS #32 │ "Absurdity"
In cooperation with the Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Invited by Enrico Centonze
Public presentation venue: Grimmuseum
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Arti Grabowski
Participants: Nina Willimann, Vincent Campos, Ronald Bal, Amir Dekel, Imke Zeinstra, Camilla Rose Sullivan, Jef Stevens, Klara Krämer, Lorena Izquierdo Aparicio, Felix Janz
PAS #31 │ "between the lines 6"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden and the University Köln, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling, Konstanze Schütze
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Janette Ahrens, Sigrid Brüninghoff, Raphael Di Canio, Luisa Franke, Dennis Frasek, Annemarie Hahn, Lena Holzweißig, Dörte Kröhnert, Nicole Kwiatkowski, Jörg Landgraf, Elisabeth Pehtke, Michelle Pfeiffer, Maybrit Piesker, Tania Sternberg, Tamara Stöbener, Eva Wohlfarth
"PUBLIC ART Magazine"
Publication, text contribution on site-specific performances realized during PAS | Performance Art Studies, published by Sakiko Yamaoka, Japan
"Notes on Performance Art"
Lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling on Performance Art practice, theory and philosophy at the European University, Nicosia, Cyprus
PAS #30 | "the moment when the end surprises the beginning"
In cooperation with CIPAF – Cyprus International Performance Art Festival, Nicosia, Cyprus
Invited by Christina Georgiou
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes
Public presentation: CIPAF – Cyprus International Performance Art Festival
Participants: Aron Lesnik, Christopher Utpadel, Soufia Bensaid, Nicolina Stylianou, Anna-Marya Tompa, Emi Wilcox
Catalogue, text contribution with examples of the PAS | Studies realized at the Grimmuseum.
Published by Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
[ISBN 978-3-943514-12-4]
PAS Youth │ "Imagine"
In cooperation with the State Art Gymnasium, Alzey, Germany
Invited by Mr. Stotz and Sabine Weigel
Part of the project week
Participants: 15 pupils (Age: 13-17)
PAS Youth | "Was ist Dir wichtig? 2"
In cooperation with TJG – Theater Junge Generation and the Theatre Academy, Dresden, Germany
Invited by Tabea Hörnlein
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teacher: Emily Promise Allison
Public presentation venue: TJG – Theater Junge Generation
Participants: Lotte Kaiser, Nicki Kwiatkowski, Anna Wilhelm, Sophia Börning, Kim Tina Nava, Maria Saul, Nadja Malcher, Antonia Weise
"Notes on Performance Art"
Lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling on Performance Art practice, theory and philosophy as part of the talk section at the 1. Venice International Performance Art Week, Pallazzo Bembo, Venice, Italy
PAS youth | "In Leipzig"
Charlotte Kaiser and Cynthia Hösterey participated with performances in the Newcomer program of the 5th Blauverschiebung festival, Galerie KUB, Leipzig, Germany
Invited by Galerie KUB
Curated by BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS project | "Cosmonaut 100"
PAS performance art project in cooperation with Accion!MAD Performance Art Festival, Madrid, Spain.
Invited by Nieves Correa
With: Ida Grimsgaard, Björn Neukom, Kirsten Heshusius and BBB Johannes Deimling
PAS #29 | "Alphabet"
In cooperation with the NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Dr. Karmenlara Ely and Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
Participants: Inga Aleknaviciute, Matias Askvik, Heidi Dalene, Ram Hari Dhakal, Mareike Nele Dobewall, Corentin Leven, Ylva Owren, Ann Mirjam Vaikla, Anders Firing Aardal, Per Magnus Barlaug, Marthe Sofie Løkeland Eide, Lærke Grøntved, Jade Francis Haj, David Jensen, Ida Holthe Lid, Heiki Eero Riipinen
"Notes on Performance Art"
Lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling on Performance Art practice, theory and philosophy at Lufthavna Performance Laboratorium, Galleri 69, Oslo, Norway
PAS #28 │ "between the lines 5"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden and the university Köln and PAS | Performance Art Studies, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling, Konstanze Schütze
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Katharina Mock, Katja Fronzeck, Daniel Martin, Christin Wagner, Stephanie bl. v. Sternfeld, Sabine Hoffmann, Sonja Hergarten, Nadine Vajda, Ulrike Krüger, Nicole Köhler, Laura Nowicki, Franziska Falkner, Luisa Trinks, Christin Mede, Katharina Steffen, Randi Hövelmann, Maria Lemke, Cynthia Hösterey, Louisa Grothmann, Katharina Lingnau, Vanessa Marschke, Johanna Martini, Anna Weilert, Lisa Hansen, Simone Hermes
PAS #27 │ "After Image"
In cooperation with the Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Invited by Enrico Centonze
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Guest teachers: Karmenlara Ely, Irene Müller, Pietro Pellini
Final presentation venue: Grimmuseum
Participants: Melanie Jame Wolf, Louisa Grothmann, Urssa Svera, Marit Wolters, Camilla Paz Tellez, Arianne Foks, Emi Ayala Vincente, Vena Naskrecka, Lindsay Tunkl
PAS Youth participants: Lotte Kaiser, Clemens Böhnstedt, Anna Wilhelms
PAS youth │ "Was ist (Dir) wichtig?"
In cooperation with the State Art Gymnasium, Alzey, Germany
Invited by Mr. Stotz (director) and Sabine Weigel
Part of the project week
Participants: 12 pupils (Age: 15-17)
PAS #26 │ "Object trouvé"
In cooperation with PAE – Performance Art Events, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Invited by Ieke Trinks and Nina Boas
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venues: Wolfartspace and Gemaal op Zuid
Participants: Nina Glöckner, Nina Wijnmaalen, Meika Thar, Kirsten Heshusius, Mette Sterre, Conor Baird
PAS Project | "Exchange"
Exchange project in cooperation with PALS – Performance Art Links Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
Invited by: Denis Romanowski, Lovisa Johansson, Erik Wijkstrom
Lecture and Workshop by BBB Johannes Deimling as part of the PALS Festival
PAS #25 │"What is important? 5"
In cooperation with TEAK – Theater Academy, Helsinki, Finland
Invited by Annette Arlander
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: TEAK – Theater Academy
Participants: Laura Soisalon-Sojninen, Mira Kautto, Sari Kivinen
PAS #24 │ "Themomentwhenanappleistooheavyandhastofalldowntotheground"
In cooperation with M:ST Performative Arts Festival and ACAD – Alberta College for Arts and Design, Calgary, Canada
Invited by Tomas Jonsson and Rita Mckeough
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation: Truck gallery and Bungalow Arts Center
Participants: Claire Bartleman, Emma Örn, Paolo Zuccotti, Björn Neukom, David Frankovich, Jake Klein-Waller, Desiree Nault, Emily Promise Allison, Lauren Scott, Larissa K. Paulgaard, Yules Wai, Karly Mortimer, Mackenzie Leigh Boyle
PAS youth │"Shift"
In cooperation with TJG – Theater Junge Generation and the Theatre Academy, Dresden, Germany
Invited by Tabea Hörnlein
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: Theater auf der Treppe
Participants: Maria Lemke, Charlotte Kaiser, Eric Christopher Straube, Holdine Wolter, Cynthia Hösterey, Clemens Böhnstedt, Anna Wilhelm, Meike- Paula Thar, Roman Gempel
PAS #23 │"What is important? 4"
In cooperation with the SMAK – Satakunta University for Applied Sciences, live art department, Kankaanpää, Finland
Invited by Aapo Korkeaoja
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: SMAK – Satakunta University for applied sciences
Participants: Toivo Tonta, Katriina Sjöblom, Anna Roos, Kati Lahtivirta, Tiia-Mari Aalto, Emma Jääskeläinen, Kasimir Fabre, Heidi Montti, Marika Räty, Lasse Juuti, Ricky Crews
PAS #22 │"What is important? 3"
In cooperation with GuangzhouLIVE- Performance Art Festival, Guangzhou Art Academy and YouYou Gallery, Guangzhou, China
Invited by Jonas Stampe
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: YouYou Gallery
Participants: Du Liang, He Qianyun, Eliene Zheng, Lili Liang, Coco Guo, Mona Tang, Sarah Guo, Enzi Wang
Notes on Performance Art
Lecture by BBB Johannes Deimling with a photo presentation by Monika Deimling about PAS.
Invited by Mathieu Bohet
Place de la Performance, Paris, France
PAS project | "A bigger scale of touch"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
A 4 month performance project
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venues: Centro Párraga, Murcia, Spain; Abierto de Accion, Murcia, Spain; Meteor Festival, Bergen, Norway; NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Participants: Ida Grimsgaard, Mikkel Rasmussen Hofplass, Emma Örn, Paolo Zuccotti
Performance art project, part of the GLOBAL COMMUNICATION Festival, Radom, Poland
Invited by Bartek Lukasiewicz
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: CSW Elektrownia
Participants: Krzysztof Kaczmar, Adam Gruba, Martyna Wolna
PAS research │ "archiv:performativ"
PAS | Performance Art Studies research residency at the archiv:performativ, a project initiated by Irene Mueller and Pascal Grau at the ZHDK Zürich, Switzerland
Exhibited at the Ausstellungsraum Klingenthal, Basel, Switzerland
Invited by Irene Mueller and Pascal Grau
PAS #21 │"between the lines 4"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Final presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Angie Theilig, Julia Kutschki, Carolin Müller, Falk Töpfer, Theresa Bennert, Christian Schmidt, Lisa Bender, Mandy Schwarz, Ines Herrmann, Stephanie Ludwig, Juliane Bär, Marit van der Woude
PAS #20 │"In Context"
In cooperation with the Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Invited by Enrico Centonze
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Grimmuseum
Participants: Nebahat Erpolat, Saverio Debernardis, Liesje van den Berk, Gabriela Aldrete, Krzysztof Kaczmar, Jesus Jiménez, Patricia Corréa, Sabine Oosterlynck, Michelle Isava, Paul Striegel, Vessna Perunovich, Nancy Gewölb Mayanz

Monika Deimling joined the PAS | Team as a photographer.
PAS #19 │"Intensified Dialogues"
In cooperation with INTERAKCJE International Performance Art Festival, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland
Invited by Arti Grabowski
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: INTERAKCJE International Performance Art Festival
Participants: Martyna Wolna, Luis Probala, Allison Fall, Agnieszka Milogrodzka, Jacek Dąbrowski, Krzysztof Kaczmar, Michalina Rolnik
PAS project │"From me to you"
Performance art project and event curated by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Galerie am Flutgraben, Berlin, Germany
Participants: Ana Alenso, Ida Grimsgaard, Gabriela Aldrete, Márcio Carvalho, Andrés Galeano, Marion Ritzmann, Katharina Kastl
PAS #18 │"somebody - everybody - nobody"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
Participants: Björn Neukom, Hanna Reidmar, Ida Grimsgaard, Jon R. Skulberg, Nathlie Mellbye, Sarah Funch Jahn, Susanne Irene Fjørtoft, Franzisca Siegrist-Schmid
PAS #17 │"What is important? 2"
In cooperation with Schloss Bröllin and Performer Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Galerie am Flutgraben
Participants: Allison Fall, Maria Lemke, Vassiliki Papailiou, Johanna Baumgärtel, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, Katharina Kastl, Michelle Isava, Chris Depuis, Filipa Guimaraes
PAS #16 │"Extension"
In cooperation with the Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Invited by Enrico Centonze
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Grimmuseum
Participants: Michal Samama, Arttu Almio, Renee van Trier, Ieke Trinks, Felix Fernadez, Ana Alenso, Amelie Ares, Hélène Lefebvre, Garielle Barros Martins, Marcel Sparmann, Bernard Roddy, Sebastian Funk
PAS project │"There is no grass under my skin"
Performance project and event curated by BBB Johannes Deimling
Invited by Mike Salomon
Public presentation venue: Grenzart Performance Art Festival, Kirschau, Germany
Participants: Andrés Galeano, Christine Haase, Danka Milewska, Marion Ritzmann, Sally O’dowd, Sebastian Funk, Tabea Hörnlein
PAS #15 │"between the lines 3"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Andrea Hammer, Katharina Egerer, Claudia Kosanke, Corinna Stähnke, Juliane Damm, Franziska Hübner, Susanne Schmidt, Katarina Kastl, Katharina Kieselbach, Claudia Scharf, Linda Straumer, Birgit Rössler, Isabell Kronfeld, Katrin Dorschner, Juliane Schramm, Carolin Jacob, Hanna Geißert, Christian Grimm, Heidi Jodeit
PAS #14 │"Performance Art vs Live Art"
In cooperation with Ehkä – New Dance & Performance
Invited by Leena Kela
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Ehkä – New Dance & Performance
Participants: Akashapushpa, Arja Maarit Puhakka, Anna Torkkel, Leena Kela, Jari Kallio, Jukka Hautamäki, Susanne Montag, Ismael Falke, Jonimatti Joutsijärvi, Rea-Liina Brunou
PAS received its logo, designed by BBB Johannes Deimling and Stefan Riebel.
The PAS logo represents a black crow. In Greek mythology, the crow is a messenger and can travel back and forth between the living and the dead. Traveling between different worlds and delivering messages is also a condition within performance art practice. Both aspects connect with the vision of PAS, so the crow flew into our logo.
PAS #13 │"New Era"
In cooperation with Tina B. – International Contemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Invited by Tina B. – International Contemporary Art Festival
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Park Hotel Prague
Participants: Andrés Galeano, Anja Pollnow, Anna Lauenstein, Chris Dupuis, Francesca Romana Ciardi, Friederike Höppner, Joana Ruival, Lia Chavez, Lucia Sunder–Plassmann, Manuela Macco, Marilli Mastrantoni, Valeria Drotskaja
PAS #12 │"Food Step"
In cooperation with Studio 303 and the Viva! Art Action Festival, Montreal, Canada
Invited by Viva! Art Action
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Bain St. Michel
Participants: Isabelle Kirouac, Thérèse Chabot, Francis Arsenault, Céline Boucher, Valerie Sabban, Victoria Stanton, Anne Bérubé, Sylvie Tourangeau, Sarah Wendt, Sophia Bensaid
In cooperation with Bartosz Lukasiewicz and CSW Elektrownia, Radom, Poland
Invited by Bartosz Lukasiewicz
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presenation venue: CSW Elektrownia
Participants: Andres Galeano, Danka Milewska, Hélène Lefebvre, Julischka Stengele, Mari Ishiwata, Maria Kozłowska, Olga Nowakowska, Susanne Irene Fjørtoft, Franzisca Siegrist-Schmid
PAS #10 │"Kunst ohne Werk"
In cooperation with the Summer Academy, Dresden, Germany
Invited by Summer Academy Dresden
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presenation venue: Motorenhalle
Participants: Anja Pollnow, Christine Haase, Livia Oehmigen, Manuela Macco, Tabea Hörnlein
PAS #9 │"between the lines 2"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Julia Wahle, Johanna Riese, Meike Lettau, Tina Hoezel, Sabine Alex, Johanna Landwehr, Sophia Pontius, Theresa Wienhold, Katrin Hieke, Franziska Ripprich, Laura Hoffmann, Nicole Gläßer, Kristin Heller, Aldine Gerhard, Katharina Voigt, Herdis Kuhne, Susanne Schmelzer, Sandra Becker, Robert Hausmann,
PAS #8 │"A tool for social action"
In cooperation with Grupa Haide Da!, Belgrade, Serbia
Supported by the European Cultural Foundation (Youth in Action)
Invited by Grupa Haide Da!
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: European Centre for Culture
Participants: Robert Balan, Tanja Igic, Madalina Dutescu, Maja Maksimovic, Andreea Lupescu, Kim-Tina Nava, Maria Saul, Roska Vrgova, Branislav Bane Trudic, Eugen But Alexandru, Andrijana Adi Atanasova, Bibi Bogoevska, Diana Nanciu, Marijana Jovic, Slavica Dimoska, Sanja Stojanowska, Ilhan Pačariz
PAS youth │"Feel it!"
In cooperation with Schloss Bröllin e.V., Bröllin, Germany
Invited by Schloss Bröllin e.V.
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation: Schloss Bröllin
Participants: 16 pupils (Age: 12 – 15) of the Gymnasium in Szczecin, Poland
PAS #7 │"Grass'n Asphalt"
In cooperation with Schloss Broellin e.V. and the Estonian Art Academy
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presenation venue: K-salon, Berlin
Participants: Andrus Lauringson, Anna Aua, Danka Milewska, Eva Labotkin, Julischka Stengele, Katharina Lattermann, Nadia Saffiedine, Mai Sööt, Olivia Verev, Pilar Talavera, Villem Jahu
PAS #6 │"Performance Art meets Scenekunst"
In cooperation with NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad, Norway
Invited by Prof. Serge von Arx
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: NTA – Norwegian Theatre Academy
Participants: Annick Lavallée-Benny, Hanna Ekstrand, Ieva Zule, Malin Wik, Stine Marie Aas Grumheden, Susanne Irene Fjørtoft
PAS #5 │"What is important?"
In cooperation with 7a11d Performance Art Festival and FADO – Centre for Performance Art, Toronto, Canada
Invited by Shannon Cochrane
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: 7a11d Performance Art Festival
Participants: Agnieszka Forfa, Alicia Grant, Christian Messier, Guillaume Provost, Hélène Lefebvre, Lo Bil, Rodolphe-Yves Lapointe, Val Desjardins
PAS #4 │"Urban Disorder"
In cooperation with Préavis de Désordre Urbain International Performance Art Festival , Marseille, France
Invited by Christine Bouvier
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Place du Stalingrad and Point de Bascule
Participants: Carmen Kaarus, Christina Georgiou, Julia Hornung, Jutta Körner, Katharina Lattermann, Nadia Safieddine, Katya Grokhovsky, Sandra Weber, Sandra Wieser, Wanda Dubrau, Dionys Dammann
PAS #3 │"between the lines 1"
In cooperation with the Institute for Arts and Philosophy at the TU-Dresden, seminar in Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Invited by Prof. Marie-luise Lange
Teachers: Marie-Luise Lange, BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Culture Center Rehlovice
Participants: Nicole Gruhne, Katrin Schleifring, Ariane Grille, Madlen Leutert, Franka Daneck, Susanne Wahl, Susanne Krüger, Cornelia Bliefert, Susan Jankowski, Undine Gey, Konstanze Schütze, Susan Richter, Susanne Bauer, Nicole Otte, Helene Cersovsky, Sara Sparmann, Elfi Glasenapp, Valeria Drotskaja, Isabel Eisfeld, Shuah Brotherton
PAS #2 │"Performance"
In cooperation with the Art Academy, Mainz, Germany
Invited by Prof. Knoche-Wendel and Ines Dunemann
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presenation venue: Art Academy Mainz
Participants: Hanna Hechler, Denise Bachfischer, Maxi Weimann, Michael Roggon, Christoph Medicus, Sandra Trösch, Lidwina Jäger, Simon Metzger, Simon Ertel, Sabrina Geckeis, Philine Küssner, Sarah Mock, Marie-Christine Hamm
PAS #1│"Die Woche"
In cooperation with Estonian Art Academy, Tallinn, Estonia
Invited by Prof. Jaan Toomik and Erik Alalooga
Led by BBB Johannes Deimling
Public presentation venue: Kunsti Container
Participants: Epp Kubu, Adele Jeandupeux, Elsa Dessarps, Andrus Lauringson, Anna Aua, Eva Labotkin, Lagle Palo, Kirke Kangroo
The title of the very first PAS | Study is inspired by the song “Die Woche” by the Estonian cult band “Propeller”.

Start of the journey
PAS│Performance Art Studies was founded by German artist and pedagogue BBB Johannes Deimling on 8th January 2008, the obit of Kurt Schwitters.
“I founded PAS | Performance Art Studies with the vision of creating a free space for exploring the practice, theory and philosophy of performance art. PAS is an independent art and education project with an organic structure that is flexible and can respond to new trends in art, education and society. The artistic process is the center of all activities. The project structure in the form of artistic research studies is very closely related to the essence of performance art rooted in visual arts. The exchange of research, experience and knowledge as well as the exchange with other art forms is the vision of PAS and aims to create an international network of artists, teachers, professors and students.”